@Prebens @DavyWathne Cochrane-oversikten kan altså ikke brukes slik du gjør mht munnbinduttalelser, så du får klage til andre. Du kan trenge oppdatering mht metodeforståelse - kan da anbefale min fagartikkel her, har vært obligatorisk på Univ. i Torino-kur
@jgo34 @BJSociology an important paper. To your ques, I would surely say "yes", esp. based on the ex. you give. Here's a take from me regarding history of ideas (incl sociology), "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a com
@andersskyrud takk. for de av oss som skriver internasjonale fagartikler, som om metode, så er "tilskrudd" mest et honnørord, i betydningen stringent/konsekvent - ikke avskrudd og tøyelig. Jf feks denne: https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA https://t.co/idOdRjp9Mt
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: My paper "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" is now publishe…
My paper "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" is now published in Global Intellectual History (Vol. 6, Issue 5, 2021). Thanks @tandfonline Link for 50 free: https://t.co/nJLC8zZA5K #decolonizing #de
@olesaue @norjournalister ønsker du lære mer om hvordan faglige tekster skal skrives, anbefaler jeg denne fagart. min fra 2019 - som jeg har holdt invitert lecture om på Cambridge Univ, Royal Holloway (Univ of London), m.m. Er topp 5 % i impact av alle pub
@loubnaelamine @NathanEckstrand @apa_blog sure, anytime. That piece is more of a popular overview - while this paper ("Beyond decolonizing", on method) has a more theoretical approach, w examples) (feel free to DM for PDF): https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA
@JFHatlen @Ghost_Ella @UhrNo @USN_info @Universitetavis @Uniforumnettno @AgnesFFA @perkoch @HallaHolmars @priscamassao @HebeGunnes @Dikunytt temaet er ytterligere utdypet i min metodeartikkel "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruc
@nils_gilman Refreshing, Nils. Likewise, ‘planetary prophetology’ essentially amounts to a trans-cultural concurrence that transcending globalism’s myriad reifications and culturally-constructed constraints, occurs in the co-evolutionary locus of immediate
Today, at 3 pm, I'll hold a Round Table on #GlobalHistoryofIdeas for the Koselleck Project at the University of Hildesheim, Germany. It's based on my 2019 paper on a comparative method, "Beyond decolonizing": https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA Round Table info: htt
@abgran @maritanesnah @Aftenposten mer info mht metode/kulturbegrepets problem (jf Radcliffe-Brown, 1940) kan du finne i denne fagart (topp 5 % i verden mht Altmetric-score), som jeg har holdt lectures om på Cambridge Univ, Royal Holloway osv. Noe av det k
@davidpressemas @CSchjelderup "kultur" er ikke noe vitenskapelig begrep, jf min fagartikkel her (topp 5 % mht Altmetric-score av alle forskningsart). Finnes ingen "kultur" for å ønske bli koronasmittet. Jeg "fjerner" sef ikke befolkningstetthet - tvert imo
@hhyldbakk @andersskyrud absurd gjengivelse, lær deg å lese. Nå er fakta gratis ute for folk flest. Og FHI har etter min dialog m dem begynt å opplyse om kommunetallene. Så ennå håp, selv om lavt presisjonsnivå i Norge. Her min vel så leste forskningsartik
@steffen_groth @ppkzd @_Skjellerup @tanghus @QvortrupHenrik Hei. Nei, det er ikke en "holdningsartikkel", det er en forskningsbasert faktakorreksjon av uvitenskapelige påstander fra helsemyndigheter i medier/rapporter. Her min metodeartikkel (topp 5 % i Al
@drnandico great, here's a paper by our @DagHerbjornsrud on the topic: "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" Feel free to DM for password, atb https://t.co/ieUpODLjJG
@Prof_FSultana Thank you. Btw: Hope my paper "Beyond decolonizing: global Intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" (2019) can be of interest as well: https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA
A new paper by our founder, @DagHerbjornsrud: "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" Info: "it's in the top 5% of all research outputs ever tracked by Altmetric." No access? DM us for a password ht
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: In the latest issue of The Review of Higher Education, Assoc Dean Reddick & Taylor compares my "Beyond decol"-paper w…
In the latest issue of The Review of Higher Education, Assoc Dean Reddick & Taylor compares my "Beyond decol"-paper w Du Bois/Dewey/Gates: «At the center of the theory is Herbjørnsrud’s (2019) emphasis on adopting a global comparative perspective (…)»
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: Just "before Buck-Morss, Gayatri #Spivak used the term ‘sanctioned ignorance’ for the ‘reproducing and foreclosing of…
@Holbrillan @Staales1 @erlemarie for ordens skyld: idéhistorie ble stanset som egen master v UiO i 2015, ja - det nærmeste man nå kommer er master i "europeisk kultur". Feks Herbjørnsrud markerer faget internasjonalt m metodeartikler som denne (fyi: Dalber
@garimagarg_ @viksriv @Anuraag_Shukla Thank you, appreciate it. Here's my latest paper on method & going "Beyond decol.". (I'm an editor of a forthcoming journal issue on "Decol the Academy", pretty much Ngugi btw) https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: @MatsinheDM Thank you for sharing - you might be interested in this paper as well, "Beyond decolonizing": https://t.co…
@MatsinheDM Thank you for sharing - you might be interested in this paper as well, "Beyond decolonizing": https://t.co/lHWlZHDOej
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: Just "before Buck-Morss, Gayatri #Spivak used the term ‘sanctioned ignorance’ for the ‘reproducing and foreclosing of…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: Just "before Buck-Morss, Gayatri #Spivak used the term ‘sanctioned ignorance’ for the ‘reproducing and foreclosing of…
@js_rubin Thanks! I could add that Radcliffe-Brown rejected the "new term" "culture" in 1940, while Mary Douglas named it a "fluffy notion" in 1975. Not to mention Lila Abu-Lughod's "Writing against culture", 1991. My paper "Beyond decolonizing", 2019: htt
@elisa_freschi Great that you are interested in #Methodology problems. I have covered that in my journal art. "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" (2019), which is a basis for my APA article. #Sanskr
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: Just "before Buck-Morss, Gayatri #Spivak used the term ‘sanctioned ignorance’ for the ‘reproducing and foreclosing of…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: Just "before Buck-Morss, Gayatri #Spivak used the term ‘sanctioned ignorance’ for the ‘reproducing and foreclosing of…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: @victoria_okoye thx, important! Could one say that that superficiality & whitewashing, of the term, is misuse/misappro…
@victoria_okoye thx, important! Could one say that that superficiality & whitewashing, of the term, is misuse/misappropriation? Cuz "Decol the Mind" (86) by Thiong'o was so important, so was the Cape Town movement in 2015. In this art I argue we shoul
RT @olga_kravets: ++ @DagHerbjornsrud 's latest academic piece: "Beyond decolonizing" (2019) calling to move beyond deconstruction and "foc…
RT @olga_kravets: ++ @DagHerbjornsrud 's latest academic piece: "Beyond decolonizing" (2019) calling to move beyond deconstruction and "foc…
++ @DagHerbjornsrud 's latest academic piece: "Beyond decolonizing" (2019) calling to move beyond deconstruction and "focus instead on ‘reconstruction’ of a global and comparative perspective" https://t.co/aUL4lbRQi7
RT @247humanLuhmann: Spinoza. https://t.co/RxfXnNboL2
RT @247humanLuhmann: Spinoza. https://t.co/RxfXnNboL2
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So, my article "Beyond decolonizing", in the journal Global Intellectual History (May, 2019), has become the most read…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So, my article "Beyond decolonizing", in the journal Global Intellectual History (May, 2019), has become the most read…
So, my article "Beyond decolonizing", in the journal Global Intellectual History (May, 2019), has become the most read art. in the journal. It has a 93 @altmetric score, and it is "In the top 5 % of all research outputs scored by Altmetric" https://t.co/30
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @nils_gilman: “The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago:…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: "Beyond decolonizing" is now number 2 at the "most read" list (JGA Pocock's 3rd). The article (free access) refers to/…
“The history of ideas is facing a challenge similar to that confronted by social anthropology a quarter of a century ago: It needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a global comparative perspective.’” htt
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: "Beyond decolonizing" is now number 2 at the "most read" list (JGA Pocock's 3rd). The article (free access) refers to/…
@GlobalHistJnl Great, good concept. You might be interested in this article on method (complexity, connection, and comparison): "Beyond decolonizing" (May 2019) by @DagHerbjornsrud https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
@SussexCentreIH @SussexUni @HistoryatSussex Great. You might be interested in this Cambridge Univ. lecture by @DagHerbjornsrud on Feb 7: "From Epistemicide to Global Knowledge: Reconstructing a Decolonised Academ" https://t.co/GvQ5oGNRwX Paper: "Beyond dec
@koyna93 @AbiralCP Good questions. This new paper by @DagHerbjornsrud argues that we should deconstruct to reconstruct. Re-read and rethink the colonial Canon - and expand it within many disciplines: https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
RT @iammarkcarnegie: This would be real progress if it could get traction @DagHerbjornsrud https://t.co/QBtsByqcJH
This would be real progress if it could get traction @DagHerbjornsrud
RT @RoutledgeHist: Global Intellectual History: @DagHerbjornsrud proposes three terms as part of a possible method to move beyond #deconstr…
@kxraja thx, seen this, btw? (can send free PDF): https://t.co/lHWlZHDOej
@PhDinBaking right, but problem w the link? Here's my latest on "Beyond decolonizing" btw: https://t.co/lHWlZHDOej
@ChawlaSwati @Lydia_Walker_ @kalramnath @j_namakkal @sulinlewis @AASAsianStudies Great, looks good. In case of interest, here's my latest paper, "Beyond decolonizing", in Global Intellectual History: https://t.co/lHWlZHDOej
@kifinfo @CindyMHorst @PRIOUpdates @UniOslo_ILOS @Torjer @saih @Studentsnakk @Uniforumnettno @UniOslo @UniOsloHF @torbenja @PiaLane @Ghost_Ella @ZachariassenH Min fag- og metodeartikkel fra mai er for øvrig blitt av de mest leste innen avkoloniseringsfelte
@DecoloniseSOAS @MeeraSabaratnam @timeshighered Great, thx. You might be interested in this new art., "Beyond decolonizing", by @DagHerbjornsrud (top 5% in Altmetric attention): https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
@saramsalem @britsoci Great. A start for a decolonised sociology, would be to define Ibn Khaldun as a founder of the discipline (more than Marx/Comte), challenge the racism of fex Weber, include WEB du Bois as a modern classic, acknowledge the work of Ida
RT @DandiaAsad: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method https://t.co/z4Pf3OnqOu
RT @ButhinaAldosari: “Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual His…
RT @ButhinaAldosari: “Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual His…
RT @ButhinaAldosari: “Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual His…
RT @ButhinaAldosari: “Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual His…
RT @ButhinaAldosari: “Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual His…
“Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method”, Global Intellectual History: Vol 0, No 0 https://t.co/rpFOGw5pDs
@MariannesNoires @blkwomenradical Right - it's such in several countries. This seems to be the colonial, national, patriarchal, and race-based tradition. Keep fighting, the arch will bend towards justice in the long run. Here's a new art. on a global and d
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: Ok, so my journal article "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: Ok, so my journal article "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: Ok, so my journal article "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
Ok, so my journal article "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" is no longer open access. Yet, in the top 5 % regarding attention. Feel free to ask for free PDF: https://t.co/30K9Dq60YA #HistoryofIdea
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: @RebeccaBuxton @SaraLUckelman great, thx - here's my latest journal article, which starts w Annette Weiner and continu…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: @RebeccaBuxton @SaraLUckelman great, thx - here's my latest journal article, which starts w Annette Weiner and continu…
@RebeccaBuxton @SaraLUckelman great, thx - here's my latest journal article, which starts w Annette Weiner and continues w Gayatri Spivak, Zora Neale Hurston, Susan Buck Morrs, Linda Tuhiwai Smith etc: https://t.co/lHWlZHDOej
@hou2zi0 right, interesting question - might be. This account is more for global intellectual history - but check out this art. on several names regarding global persp: Annette Weiner, Gayatri Spivak, Susan Buck-Morrs, Linda T Smith, Gurminder Bhambra, etc
@Slottemo @jonasali @SimonRoyHughes @DoremusSchafer @vgnett @kjolst vel, for meg som idéhistoriker er det viktig å være kildekritisk. Det er man ikke når man linker til Resett & gjengir konspi-løgn om at muslimer er en trussel mot demokratiet. "Fraspar
@KrishnanRP @eidolon_journal Thank you so much for a tremendous article! You might be interested in this new one, "Beyond decolonizing". It covers (see esp part IV) fex the dark skin color of Odysseus and Eurybates in The Iliad, and how the Greek terms hav
@MySoulIsInHaiti @UK_AAAS great, you might be interested in this new paper as well: "Beyond decolonizing". On Thiong'o, Firmin, Zora Neale Hurston, "the black Odysseus" (see part 4) etc. (open access/free link): https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
@onalifeglug great, u might be interested in this one as well: https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
@GideonNisbet @DimitriNakassis @nybooks Yes. As prof McEvilley has demonstrated, much of Greek phil is a spin-off from Indian phil. Ancient Greece had nothing to do w "Europe"; it was rather a part of Afro-Asian history of ideas, as Isocrates/Plato/Aristot
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
@davidwengrow Would say out that not only monster images spread, so did ideas/religions etc cuz of trade/connections, cf fex "The Rise of Bronze Age Society" by Kristiansen/Larsson. More here: https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao ph…
So this new paper shows why Descartes was discussed in India in 1660, before most of Europe. And how Zhuangzi & Tao phil. influenced Buber/Heidegger ++ Free access, feel free to share: https://t.co/sYK51hYkQs #IntellectualHistory #GlobalHistory #Philos