RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @JAfricanaRelig: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual Histor…
Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual History: Vol 0, No 0 https://t.co/7WcDaQvW8d
New: "thousands of manuscripts from Timbuktu, Djenne... the many texts from Ethiopia in Geez, dating back to the fifth century... Also important is the new series on the translations of the classics of India by Harvard..." #History #Africana #philosophy ht
@rcbregman @AnandWrites Devastating. Should be read in the context of the work of @DagHerbjornsrud - https://t.co/GwIh6geHft
@EmanuelleSantos @theBRIHC looks great - any report from it? On May 10, this was published - building on Thiong'o, Spivak, and Tuhiwai Smith, Nakamura etc. In case of interest: https://t.co/EfjsLZks62
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @SGOKIdehistorie: "Beyond decolonizing": Art. on colors removed from Greek statues; how Zhuangzi influenced Buber/Heidegger; Dara Shukoh…
"Beyond decolonizing": Art. on colors removed from Greek statues; how Zhuangzi influenced Buber/Heidegger; Dara Shukoh and India's Age of Reason in 17th c; on Maya/Chinese phil; on Samuel Johnson's Ethiopian connection. A new method @GrowKudos https://t.co
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @global_southern: “77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17%…
RT @joycehisted: New: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual Hist…
“77% of all historical research in the UK & North America is still devoted to Europe & the USA, which account for 17% of the world’s population. Only 8% of that historical research focuses on East & South Asia, home to half of humanity.” https:
RT @AnnMcGrath5: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual History:…
RT @AnnMcGrath5: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual History:…
RT @joycehisted: New: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual Hist…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @homophonous: Bookmarking to read later. Don't jump on me. https://t.co/ywLa00ePpP
Bookmarking to read later. Don't jump on me.
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: @terry_renaud @dbessner @daniel_dsj2110 @SHAFRhistorians right, I see that - also "global" has become jargon, I guess.…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
I am all for decolonisation and rewriting history from a perspective that favours other than the Europeans but can you blame the Europeans? historically, every empire or state swells its importance and significance and degrades others in order to seem grea
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
@opzgdlq6RWHBPzO @NicolaiLB @christianlura @mediedager @Medier24 Hva er det dere koko-høyre surrer med nå da? En Routledge journal publiserte akkurat min fagartikkel på 14.000 ord (ca 90.000 tegn) om en ny metode for humaniora/samf.fagene. Gjerne les og kr
RT @DagHerbjornsrud: So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolon…
So this happened: The Routledge journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory just published my 14,000 words article on a decolonized method, "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method". Free link (50): https://t.co/9
RT @rometostandrews: "complexity, connection, comparison..." Uses recent work on classics (eg colour on statues) as an example. Interes…
RT @rometostandrews: "complexity, connection, comparison..." Uses recent work on classics (eg colour on statues) as an example. Interes…
@terry_renaud @dbessner @daniel_dsj2110 @SHAFRhistorians right, I see that - also "global" has become jargon, I guess. I would argue one might need to recapture the defs of such terms. Here's a free (limited) link to the text, which also argues against the
New: Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual History: Vol 0, No 0 https://t.co/JtQYblT1Cg
"complexity, connection, comparison..." Uses recent work on classics (eg colour on statues) as an example. Interesting in context of other recent conversations about comparative method. by Dag Herbjørnsrud @DagHerbjornsrud with more at @SGOKIdehistorie
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
@distributedcog Great. Sounds good. Today, this journal article was published: "Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" It's on the method/theory behind the Aeon essays. Please DM if you/anyone need acce
"Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method" - new article by @DagHerbjornsrud in the journal #GlobalIntellectualHistory On Al-Biruni, Herodotus, Mo Zi, Lovejoy, Hajime Nakamura etc. https://t.co/ieUpODLjJG
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method: Global Intellectual History: Vol 0, No 0 @dhp -have they caught up? https://t.co/fxeiZvkoxE
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
"complexity and connections by doing comparison"..... We've been doing this for decades?
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
Proposing 'complexity, connection, and comparison' as key terms for the discipline of global intellectual history
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
RT @daniel_dsj2110: Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a glo…
Intellectual History "needs to reject the constrictions of ‘cultural boundaries’ and demonstrate ‘a commitment to a global comparative perspective’ instead." New global intellectual history article by Dag Herbjørnsrud, https://t.co/TQp50rSukU