@Chocola57835045 @Black_Archange @Malikoussekim @adeleLG @librepenseure @chargementale Mieux que des essais, on a des publis scientifiques récentes. https://t.co/LIryTPmfB7 https://t.co/TMKhk1eVqp
RT @cczymara: The study is now published in a special issue of #EuropeanSocieties, featuring a rich collection of no less than 58 papers on…
RT @cczymara: The study is now published in a special issue of #EuropeanSocieties, featuring a rich collection of no less than 58 papers on…
RT @cczymara: The study is now published in a special issue of #EuropeanSocieties, featuring a rich collection of no less than 58 papers on…
https://t.co/PXa1moOfEb Wir sind am meisten betroffen. Von nun an werde ich keine #Corona maßnahme mehr befolgen, die meinen #Kindern schadet. Das sollten wir alle tun. Sie können nicht die Hälfte des Landes verhaften. #MPK #Merkel #COVID19 #Coronakrise
RT @cczymara: Happy to share that our #openaccess article is listed among the "most read articles" of #EuropeanSocieties: https://t.co/HSDS…
RT @drbachler1: Corona Pandemie in Deutschland trifft Frauen doppelt. #COVID19 #inequality #gendergap https://t.co/NKwo8DqC8J
RT @TomasCan0: Our new study on gender inequality during the Covid lockdown is covered by @faznet The paper is downloadable for free htt…
Another study using online surveys this time on gender inequality during the Covid lockdown. @helenrussell32 presented on this trend @TomasCan0 last week. https://t.co/rMXwc4rijw
RT @TomasCan0: Our new study on gender inequality during the Covid lockdown is covered by @faznet The paper is downloadable for free htt…
RT @TomasCan0: Our new study on gender inequality during the Covid lockdown is covered by @faznet The paper is downloadable for free htt…
Our new study on gender inequality during the Covid lockdown is covered by @faznet The paper is downloadable for free https://t.co/rTnVv4R0iS And the code is available at https://t.co/0v2m2PhmMl Work w/ @cczymara & A. Langenkamp
Corona Pandemie in Deutschland trifft Frauen doppelt. #COVID19 #inequality #gendergap https://t.co/NKwo8DqC8J
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…
RT @cczymara: Do women and men differ in their worries regarding the #COVID19 #lockdown? New publication w/ @TomasCan0 & A.Langenkamp in Eu…